The Ministry Of Light By Apostle Joshua Selman mp3 Download
The ministry of light by Apostle Joshua Selman at Koinonia Global headquarters Abuja, was taught to Believers. The highlights of the sermon on the ministry of light by Apostle Joshua Selman are stated below.
Everything that dominates and subdues darkness is called Light. Light is associated with liberty, but many struggle with the administration of that freedom effectively.
The end-point of God calling you from darkness to light is that you become eventually, an experiential manifestation of the glory of God. (Romans 8:18)
There is a measure of glory deposited by God in every Believer to the end that your life captures and reflects the glory of God. (John 15:8,16)
Knowing the truth requires three steps:
1. Access to the truth (Through The Word, the Ministry of The Holy Spirit, and the Ministry of The Teaching Priest). Jeremiah 3:15
2. Hearing and Receiving the truth.
3. Submission to transformation with reference to that truth found.
The Dynamics of Liberty Designed by God for The Believer’s Victory:
1. Salvation (Being born again/The New Birth Experience) John 3:16-17, Romans 10:9-10, 1 John 5:11-12,
– God’s system of bringing believers to liberty is by salvation.
– The new birth experience is not the totality of the believer’s experience but the starting point of a journey that leads to victory and liberty.
– Being saved by confessing the Lordship of Jesus does not automatically bring you into the experience of victory.
– Being saved gives you access, not experience.
2. Knowing the Truth (Through The Word, The Ministry of the Holy Spirit, and the ministry of The Teaching priest) John 8:32, Psalm 119:130, John 16:13, Jeremiah 3:15
In addition to receiving life from the Saviour, you need to know the truths that He brings.
The word “know” is beyond awareness. Knowing the truth describes the whole process of accessing light to becoming transformed by it. (John 8:32)
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