Download The Blessedness Of Priesthood By Apostle Michael Orokpo

The Blessedness Of Priesthood By Apostle Michael Orokpo

[Audio Mp3] The Blessedness Of Priesthood By Apostle Michael Orokpo mp3 Download

The Blessedness Of Priesthood By Apostle Michael Orokpo

The blessedness of priesthood by Apostle Michael Orokpo was a sermon that addresses the major benefits of priesthood. The work of priesthood is to tend the altar so that the kingdom and purposes of God will manifest in a territory. Jesus Christ is the high priest who is touched with our infirmities and through His priesthood,  all things are sustained.  The blessedness of priesthood is tied to its potency to avail spiritual realities in the realm of man.

In this impactful teaching titled “The Blessedness of Priesthood by Apostle Michael Orokpo” he sheds light on the significance and privileges of the priesthood for every believer. Drawing from biblical principles, he emphasizes that the call to priesthood is not reserved for a select few but is an invitation extended to all who follow Christ. This understanding transforms how believers perceive their roles and responsibilities in the kingdom of God.

1. Understanding the Priesthood

Apostle Michael Orokpo begins by explaining that priesthood in the New Testament is rooted in the priesthood of Jesus Christ, our High Priest (Hebrews 4:14). Believers are called to be a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), indicating that they share in the ministry of Christ. This priesthood is characterized by worship, intercession, and service, setting the stage for a deeper relationship with God. Apostle Michael Orokpo in his sermon encourages believers to recognize their identity as priests, which comes with both responsibility and privilege.

2. Access to God’s Presence

One of the primary blessings of priesthood is direct access to God’s presence. In the Old Testament, only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies, but through Christ’s sacrifice, this barrier has been removed (Hebrews 10:19-20). Apostle Michael Orokpo emphasizes that believers can approach God confidently in prayer and worship, enjoying a personal relationship with Him. This access empowers them to receive divine guidance, strength, and revelation.

3. The Power of Intercession

Apostle Michael Orokpo highlights the role of intercession as a vital aspect of the priesthood. As priests, believers are called to intercede for others, standing in the gap for their families, communities, and nations. Ezekiel 22:30 illustrates how God sought someone to stand in the breach. Through prayer, believers can influence their circumstances and bring about God’s will on earth. Apostle Orokpo urges believers to take their intercessory role seriously, understanding the power they wield in prayer.

4. Worship as a Lifestyle

Worship is another fundamental component of priesthood. Apostle Orokpo teaches that effective worship goes beyond singing songs; it involves a lifestyle of devotion and surrender to God. Romans 12:1 calls believers to present their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This act of worship is a manifestation of their priestly identity. Apostle Orokpo encourages believers to cultivate a lifestyle of worship, allowing it to permeate every aspect of their lives, thereby attracting God’s blessings.

5. Serving with Purpose

Lastly, the blessedness of priesthood includes the call to serve others. Apostle Orokpo points out that serving is an integral part of the priestly function. In Mark 10:45, Jesus exemplifies this by stating that He came to serve, not to be served. As priests, believers are called to reflect Christ’s love through acts of service, whether in their families, churches, or communities. This service not only blesses others but also deepens their own experience of God’s favor and blessings.

Apostle Michael Orokpo stated categorically the benefits of priesthood.  Click on the link below to download the audio message on the blessedness of priesthood by Apostle Michael Orokpo.




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