Download Facilitating A New Season By Apostle Johnson Suleman

Facilitating A New Season By Apostle Johnson Suleman

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Facilitating A New Season By Apostle Johnson Suleman

Facilitating A New Season By Apostle Johnson Suleman was the audio service sermon on 22nd September, 2024. In  this powerful message titled “Facilitating a New Season by Apostle Johnson Suleman” emphasizes how believers can cooperate with God to step into the new seasons of life that He has ordained. Seasons, both in the natural and spiritual, are divinely orchestrated, and knowing how to recognize, prepare for, and facilitate these seasons is essential for growth and fulfillment. Apostle Suleman teaches that entering a new season requires faith, spiritual sensitivity, and intentional action.

1. Understanding Divine Seasons

Apostle Suleman begins by explaining the concept of spiritual seasons. Just as nature goes through cycles of spring, summer, fall, and winter, believers also go through spiritual seasons. Ecclesiastes 3:1 declares, “To everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Understanding that God operates in seasons helps believers navigate life with wisdom. Apostle Suleman emphasizes that every new season is a moment of divine opportunity, and it is crucial to be spiritually aware when a new one is approaching.

2. Recognizing the Signs of a New Season

One of the key elements Apostle Suleman discusses is the ability to discern when a new season is about to unfold. He teaches that God often provides signs and signals to indicate the beginning of something new. These signs can come through prophetic words, inner promptings, or changes in circumstances. He referenced 1 Chronicles 12:32, which speaks of the sons of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times and knew what Israel ought to do. Apostle Suleman encourages believers to stay sensitive to the Holy Spirit, as this will help them recognize when God is ushering them into a new phase.

3. The Role of Prayer and Fasting

Apostle Suleman emphasizes that prayer and fasting are crucial tools in facilitating a new season. These spiritual disciplines position believers to hear from God more clearly and align their hearts with His will. Jesus Himself fasted for 40 days before entering the powerful season of His earthly ministry (Matthew 4:1-2). Apostle Suleman urges believers to be persistent in prayer and to fast with the expectation that God will reveal His next steps. Fasting and prayer also help to break spiritual barriers that may hinder the manifestation of a new season.

4. The Importance of Preparation

A major point Apostle Johnson Suleman underscores is the need for preparation. He teaches that God often uses periods of waiting to prepare His people for what lies ahead. Joseph, for example, had to undergo a long season of preparation before stepping into his destiny as a ruler in Egypt. Preparation involves growing in faith, character, and wisdom, ensuring that believers are ready to handle the responsibilities that come with a new season. Apostle Suleman stresses that failing to prepare for a new season can lead to missed opportunities and delays.

5. Walking in Faith and Obedience

Apostle Suleman also highlights that stepping into a new season requires faith and obedience. When God calls believers into something new, it often comes with challenges and uncertainties. However, Apostle Suleman teaches that faith in God’s promises and obedience to His instructions are essential for unlocking new levels. Just as the Israelites had to obey God’s command to march around the walls of Jericho before they fell (Joshua 6), believers must trust and act on God’s directives to experience breakthroughs in their new season.

6. Letting Go of the Past

To fully embrace a new season, Apostle Suleman teaches that believers must let go of the past. He emphasizes that holding onto past failures, disappointments, or even past successes can prevent one from moving forward. Isaiah 43:18-19 reminds believers, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” Apostle Suleman encourages believers to trust that God’s future is greater than their past and to release anything that may hinder them from stepping into the new.

7. Expecting Divine Acceleration

In conclusion, Apostle Johnson Suleman speaks about the power of divine acceleration in a new season. When believers align themselves with God’s will, He can accelerate their progress, causing things to happen faster than expected. He gives examples of biblical figures like Elijah, who outran Ahab’s chariot by divine empowerment (1 Kings 18:46).

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