Koinonia Global Sermon: Fishers of Men by Apostle Joshua Selman mp3 Download
Fishers of men by Apostle Joshua Selman was Koinonia Global Sunday message. The highlights of the sermon are listed below.
Things To Note From Matthew 4: 18 -19
1. Jesus told the men He was recruiting, in advance, what they will become. He didn’t leave them in the dark as to His intentions for them. Jesus did not take away from them the ability to fish. They remained fishers but He redirected their mission.
– Jesus still retained the word “fishers” because the skill, zeal and discipline that He found in them were still important for the new mission.
2. The first instruction for them was for them to follow.
– Every Believer who desires to answer the mandate of being a fisher of men, is not to go to the field but to follow. The first requirement for becoming fishers of men is your training, not the fishing (evangelism).
The primary purpose of the coming of Jesus Christ was for the salvation of man’s soul.
Without soul winning, many aspects of God’s program will not happen.
According to scriptures, no soul-winning should be done outside a ready and waiting structure to follow up on fish caught. So it’s either the community of soul-winners already has their own follow up structure or work in partnership with a pre-existing ministry in the locality.
The Training Of A Fisherman:
There are fishing principles that can help the Believer become an effective fisher of men (soul winner).
1. A soul winner needs to understand the sea, which is where fish is found.
– The sea represents the entire globe, which is where people can be found.
2. Understand the various kinds of fish in the sea.
– All fishes are not the same, therefore the fisher of men must understand that the strategy for catching the different fishes will not be the same.
3. There are various techniques for catching fish. This implies that not everyone will be saved on a crusade ground. There are various demographics that various fisher of men are sent to.
4. You must have a functional boat to gather the fish (people) you have caught in soul-winning. (Luke 5: 4-6).
– There are many people that God will not give a certain anointing, because their boat (capacity) cannot manage the fish the anointing in that degree, can catch.
5. You cannot effectively fish in isolation; respect and engage with other fishermen (Luke 5: 6-7).
There are many fishermen, just as there are many fishes. The problem is not the zeal but their fishing strategy.
There are many fishermen whose fishing will be ineffective because of their net.
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