Download The School Of Prayer By Apostle Joshua Selman

The School Of Prayer By Apostle Joshua Selman

Download The School Of Prayer By Apostle Joshua Selman (Gaining Mastery in Prayer)

The School Of Prayer By Apostle Joshua Selman

The school of prayer by Apostle Joshua Selman was a Koinonia Global sermon to preached for Believers to gain mastery in prayer. The subject of prayer is a matter of importance to look into. The highlights of the Sermon on the school of prayer by Apostle Joshua Selman are stated below.

What is Prayer?

– Prayer is a platform that allows for communication with God.

– A platform that allows us to communicate our thoughts, needs and desires to God.

– A platform that allows for fellowship with God .

– A platform that allows us to hear and receive from God.


Four Basic Assignments of Prayer in the Life of a Believer:

1. For the growth and transformation of the Believer.

(Luke 9:29)

How God answers Prayers
(Psalms 65:2)

2. ⁠As a platform to make requests and obtain promises.

(Mark 11:24, Philippians 4:6)

3. As a platform to make decrees and establish spiritual realities.

(Job 22:28, Numbers 14:28)

4. For warfare and intercession.

(1 Peter 5:8, John 10:10, Luke 10:19, Hebrews 4:9-10)


Prayer Models Revealed in Scriptures
(Ephesians 6:18)

1. Praying in The Spirit i.e. Praying in tongues – 1 Corinthians 14:15, 14:2,4 (AMP)

2. ⁠Faith-filled declaration of Scriptures – Psalms 107:2-3, Ecclesiastes 8:4


Answers to prayers manifest through three platforms:

1. Supernatural manifestations (peace, joy, healing, deliverance) – Daniel 3:24-30

2. Release of graces (i.e. wisdom, favour, direction, understanding) that attract and command the manifestation of physical results – 1 Kings 3:5-13

3. The Ministry of men – 1 Samuel 10:26:27 (KJV, AMP).



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