One Thing Thou Lackest By Apostle Joshua Selman

One Thing Thou Lackest By Apostle Joshua Selman

Download One Thing Thou Lackest By Apostle Joshua Selman (Perfected Through Knowledge)

One Thing Thou Lackest By Apostle Joshua Selman

One this thou Lackest By Apostle Joshua Selman was Koinonia Global message you need to listen. Apostle Joshua Selman is a renowned Nigerian pastor, teacher, and founder of Koinonia (Eternity Network International). His messages emphasize the importance of knowledge, wisdom, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Don’t wait for knowledge, seek for knowledge. It is wrong to wait for knowledge; rather, you seek knowledge.

For example, it is arrogant for a student to keep the teachers waiting. You seek knowledge from Scripture and relevant spiritual resources.

How to Identify Areas of Ignorance and Darkness in Our Lives:

1. By looking unto Jesus Christ (1 John 4:17, Philippians 3:12)

2. By looking unto exceptional human models who have excelled in life.

3. By looking at areas of your pain, limitations, and struggles.

“And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, ‘One thing you lack: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.'” – Mark 10:21 (ESV)

In our walk with God, there’s often a lingering sense of inadequacy. We feel like something’s missing, but we can’t quite put our finger on it. The rich young ruler in Mark 10 had it all – wealth, status, and a sense of righteousness. Yet, Jesus’ words pierced his soul, revealing the one thing he lacked.

The Poverty of Ignorance

What is the one thing you lack? Is it knowledge? Understanding? Revelation? The rich young ruler thought he had it all figured out, but Jesus exposed his ignorance. He didn’t know what truly mattered.

“Knowledge is the foundation of every great feat.” – Apostle Joshua Selman

To be perfected through knowledge means embracing a lifestyle of continuous learning. It’s recognizing that there’s always more to discover, more to understand. The rich young ruler thought he knew it all, but Jesus showed him otherwise.

The Illusion of Self-Sufficiency

We often deceive ourselves into thinking we’re self-sufficient. We rely on our own strength, our own wisdom. But God wants us to acknowledge our limitations.

“…in him we live and move and have our being…” – Acts 17:28 (ESV).

True knowledge recognizes our dependence on God. It’s acknowledging that without Him, we’re nothing.

The Path to Perfection

So, what’s the one thing you lack? Is it:

1. A deeper understanding of God’s Word?
2. A stronger prayer life?
3. A willingness to surrender?

Identify the gap, and begin to bridge it. Seek knowledge, wisdom, and revelation.

“Perfection is not an event; it’s a process.” – Apostle Joshua Selman

As we journey towards perfection, remember:

1. Humility precedes knowledge.
2. Obedience follows revelation.
3. Dependence on God is key.

Don’t let ignorance or self-sufficiency hold you back. Pursue knowledge, and let God perfect you through it.


Reflection Questions:

1. What’s the one thing you feel you lack in your walk with God?
2. How can you pursue knowledge and understanding?
3. What’s holding you back from surrendering to God?

Scriptures for Meditation:

1. Psalm 119:66
2. Proverbs 1:7
3. 2 Peter 1:5-7

Click on the link below to download the audio message on what thou Lackest (perfected through knowledge) by Apostle Joshua Selman.

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