Download Koinonia Prophetic And Impartation Service by Apostle Joshua Selman Message (2023 Closing Service Charge)
Prophetic and impartation service at Koinonia Global Abuja, was the 2023 closing charge. The theme of the year was ‘Open Doors’ and Koinonia Global will resume on 21st January. 2024 with a combined service from all locations. The following are the counsels by Apostle Joshua Selman at Koinonia Global end of the year prophetic and impartation service.
1. Commit yourself continually to the ministry of The Word and prayer.
(Acts 6:4)
2. Invest the time, energy and resources into being and staying physically healthy.
(Proverbs 17:22, Psalm 118:17, John 10:10)
3. Take the time to build quality relationships and reconnect with existing relationships.
(Proverbs 27:17)
4. Go for an end of year retreat.
(James 4:8)
5. Share the love of Jesus with everyone around you.
(1 John 4:9, John 3:16).
What to do in a Retreat:
(i). Thanksgiving – Thank God and seek His face.
(ii). Conduct an honest appraisal of your life and destiny for the current year.
(iii). Plan and make Word compliant resolutions to move your life forward.
(iv). Receive empowerment or a prophetic word for the next season.
Click on the link to the download the audio message on the Koinonia prophetic and impartation service by Apostle Joshua Selman, 2023 end of the year service.
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