Download The Due Order By Apostle Arome Osayi (How God Rewards)
The due order was the February contact at RCN Global headquarters. It is a monthly meeting. The theme was The Due Order. The topic was aimed to reveal how God rewards the labor of men and what is man’s responsibilitites in receiving God’s rewards.
In his enlightening teaching titled “The Due Order,” Apostle Arome Osayi delves into the principles of divine order and how they relate to the rewards that God promises to His people. This message emphasizes the importance of aligning one’s life with God’s established order to experience His blessings and rewards fully. Apostle Osayi’s insights encourage believers to seek clarity in their spiritual journey and understand the protocols that govern God’s reward system.
1. Understanding Divine Order
Apostle Osayi begins by defining what he means by “divine order.” He explains that God has established a specific order in all aspects of life, including spiritual, relational, and societal frameworks. This order is not arbitrary; it is rooted in God’s character and purpose. For instance, in 1 Corinthians 14:40, Paul instructs that “all things should be done decently and in order.” By adhering to God’s order, believers can position themselves to receive His blessings.
2. The Principle of Alignment
Central to the concept of divine order is the principle of alignment. Apostle Osayi emphasizes that for believers to experience God’s rewards, they must align their lives with His will. This includes aligning their actions, thoughts, and desires with biblical truths. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus instructs His followers to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, assuring them that all other things will be added unto them. This alignment is essential for receiving the fullness of God’s promises.
3. Obedience as a Key Factor
Apostle Osayi highlights that obedience is a crucial aspect of operating within God’s due order. God rewards those who obey His commandments and walk in His ways. In Deuteronomy 28:1-2, God promises that if His people fully obey Him, blessings will come upon them and overtake them. This principle underscores the idea that God’s rewards are contingent upon the believer’s willingness to follow His directives and live according to His Word.
4. The Role of Sacrifice
Another critical element in the due order is the concept of sacrifice. Apostle Osayi teaches that significant rewards often come at the cost of personal sacrifice. This could manifest in various forms, such as sacrificing time for prayer, serving others selflessly, or giving financially. In Romans 12:1, Paul urges believers to present their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This act of surrender positions believers to receive greater rewards from God.
5. Consistency and Diligence
Consistency and diligence are also vital components in experiencing God’s rewards. Apostle Osayi points out that the kingdom of God operates on principles of perseverance. Galatians 6:9 encourages believers not to grow weary in doing good, for in due season, they will reap a harvest if they do not give up. This scripture reinforces the idea that diligence in faith and service will ultimately lead to divine rewards.
6. The Timing of God’s Rewards
Apostle Osayi emphasizes that understanding the timing of God’s rewards is essential. God’s timing may not always align with human expectations, but His timing is perfect. Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, “To everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Believers are encouraged to trust God’s timing, knowing that He is always working behind the scenes for their good.
7. A Call to Embrace Divine Order
In conclusion, Apostle Osayi calls on believers to embrace the concept of divine order in their lives. By understanding how God rewards those who live in alignment with His will, obey His commandments, and practice sacrifice and diligence, believers can experience the fullness of His blessings. This teaching serves as a reminder that God is a rewarder of those who seek Him earnestly and follow His divine order.
Apostle Arome Osayi explained this concept in a clear shot and you can download the audio message to listen more. click on the link to download the audio message on the due order by Apostle Arome Osayi.
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