Download Raise The Dead By Archbishop Benson Idahosa

Raise The Dead By Archbishop Benson Idahosa

[Audio mp3] Raise The Dead by Archbishop Benson Idahosa Download

Raise The Dead By Archbishop Benson Idahosa

Raise the dead by Archbishop Benson Idahosa was one the sermons he preached during his missionary days on Earth.  The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness there of,  the people and all that dwell in it.  Raise the dead is a command that all who believes in Christ can do. Jesus Christ said that the works He did, we shall do greater things.  Lazarus was raised from death,  Dorcas the same,  and several.

### Raise the Dead: The Power of Resurrection

The call to “raise the dead” is not just a miraculous act; it symbolizes the transformative power of faith and the hope we have in Christ. In both a literal and spiritual sense, this concept invites us to participate in God’s mission of restoration and renewal.

In John 11, we witness Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, showcasing His authority over life and death. This act reminds us that no situation is beyond redemption. Just as Christ breathed life into Lazarus, He invites us to speak life into our own circumstances—relationships, dreams, and aspirations that may seem lifeless.

Raising the dead can also refer to the spiritual awakening of those around us. In Ephesians 2:1, Paul reminds us that we were once dead in our transgressions but made alive in Christ. As believers, we are called to share this message of hope, extending grace and love to those who feel spiritually dead.

To raise the dead, we must, build your faith, cultivate an atmosphere of faith, prayer, and compassion. This involves actively seeking the lost, encouraging the weary, and proclaiming the gospel of life. It requires us to step out of our comfort zones and be instruments of God’s miraculous power.

Let us embrace the call to raise the dead, both in ourselves and in others. Through the Holy Spirit, we can bring revival to our hearts and communities, demonstrating that with God, all things are possible. Together, let’s be agents of resurrection, revealing the abundant life that awaits those who believe.

In the valley of dry bones,  a large army of God was laid to death but by prophetic declaration,  they were brought to live.  Raise the dead by Archbishop Benson Idahosa is a sermon that will encourage you to do the impossible as commanded by the Lord.

This sermon will bless your soul and improve the quality of your relationship with God.  Do you want to raise the dead? Do you want to raise anything that is dead in your jurisdiction but need to be alive? Click on the link below to download the audio message on raise the dead by Archbishop Benson Idahosa.

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