Download Apostolic Model For Growth And Stability By Apostle Joshua Selman

Growth And Stability By Apostle Joshua Selman

[Audio Message] – Growth And Stability By Apostle Joshua Selman mp3 Download

Growth And Stability By Apostle Joshua Selman

Growth and stability by Apostle Joshua Selman was teaching session at IGOCG 2023 conference at Asaba -Nigeria. The teaching were two sessions which Apostle Joshua Selman considered the topic of growth and stability in two ways:

  1. Foundational truth regarding growth and stability
  2. Apostolic Model for growth and stability in the Kingdom of God.

It is God’s choice that Believers grow into maturity and take hold of all the provisions of the kingdom of God.  So,  He appoints us under teachers to mentor and equip the Body. Growth in the Kingdom of God is a function of knowledge and practice with intentional or deliberate mind to it.

In our spiritual and personal journeys, growth and stability are essential for a thriving life. Growth signifies progress, change, and development in our faith, character, and relationships. Stability, on the other hand, provides the foundation we need to weather life’s storms and challenges.

The Bible often emphasizes the importance of these two elements. In Colossians 2:6-7, Paul encourages us to “continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him.” This imagery of being rooted reflects the stability that allows us to grow deeper in our relationship with God. A strong foundation in Christ enables us to withstand trials and remain steadfast in our faith.

However, growth without stability can lead to chaos. It’s vital to nurture our spiritual roots through prayer, scripture, and community. These practices ground us, ensuring that our growth is anchored in God’s truth. Conversely, stability without growth can lead to stagnation. We must be open to God’s leading, willing to step out of our comfort zones, and embrace change.

To cultivate both growth and stability, we should set goals that challenge us spiritually and emotionally while also committing to practices that fortify our faith. Surrounding ourselves with supportive community members can provide accountability and encouragement.

As we pursue growth and stability, let’s remember that they work hand in hand. Together, they create a flourishing life, allowing us to bear fruit and impact the world around us for God’s glory. Embrace this journey, and watch how God transforms you from the inside out.

Do you want to know how to grow and be stable in your Christian journey and experience,  click on the link to the download audio messages on growth and stability by Apostle Joshua Selman.








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