Download Knowing God Accurately By Apostle Joshua Selman mp3
Knowing God Accurately By Apostle Joshua Selman was Koinonia Global sermon on 20th August, 2023. The highlights of the sermon knowing God accurately by Apostle Joshua Selman are listed below.
Facts about God:
1. God is infinite. (Isaiah 40:28)
The best of your experiences will not do justice to who God is, relative to the vastness of who God is. There is no end to the searching of God.
2. The singular difference between God and man is that He is
I. Omniscient
II. Omnipotent
III. Omnipresent
These Dimensions of God have not been Tasted by any Man.
There are four channels to knowing God for all who seek to know Him:
1. Scripture – God’s first recommendation and a Believer’s first point of call. (John 1:1-3)
2. A Careful Study of His Names – the names of God capture various dimensions of His power. (Exodus 3:13-15, 6:1-3)
3. Jesus Christ – He came as a correction of our understanding of God. Prior knowledge of God by the patriarchs had gaps until Jesus came.
4. Experience – you can know God through experience. (Job 42:5, 1 John 1:1-5)
Dimensions of Spiritual Knowledge the Believer should aim to Pursue. There are two Levels Generally which are;
1. Supportive Knowledge – which is when the foundation has been laid, the knowledge here is to support and add to what is known.
2. Foundational Knowledge – This is where the supportive knowledge is built and if absent, the person’s Christian experience can be lopsided.
Six Dimensions of Spiritual Knowledge a Believer must Pursue:
1. You must know God and Jesus His Son. (Proverbs 9:10, Daniel 11:32, Ephesians 1:15-19)
2. You must know yourself in light of who Christ is (Psalm 49:20, 1 Peter 2:9, Ephesians 2:1-6)
3. You must know your place in destiny and in God’s program (Luke 4:16, Hebrews 10:7)
4. You must understand the mysteries and the principles of God’s kingdom. (Job 38:33-35, Psalm 82:5, Matthew 13:11)
5. You must understand man as the highest of God’s creation as well as the cosmos. (Psalm 8:1-6, 115:16, Matthew 10:16)
6. You must know your adversary, the devil. (John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:8-9)
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