Download Lessons From An Overcomer By Apostle Joshua Selman (Destiny -Defining Principles)
Lessons from an Overcomer by Apostle Joshua Selman was the Koinonia Global message on Sunday 12th November, 2023. The highlights of the sermon on the lessons from an Overcomer by Apostle Joshua Selman are below.
1. Ignorance is not a demon.
All men begin their journey to destiny in ignorance, but they do not remain there. It is the remaining in ignorance that becomes a problem.
The problem of ignorance is not solved by casting it away. It is solved by going for knowledge.
The cure for ignorance is the discipline to stay with light (revelation and illumination) until light drives away the darkness of ignorance.
2. You cannot have consistent results until your desires and expectations are defined. (Luke 18:39-41, Mark 11:24)
Many people never experience success in life because they do not have a definite desire or expectation. What they desire is mostly vague.
You cannot have consistent results until your desires and expectations are defined. Defining your expectations births miracles. When your desires are defined, you will know when your goals have been achieved.
There is no overcomer who sits on the throne of glory with ignorance.
There is a realm in destiny where ignorance is not permitted.
3. People are not affected by what happens to them; they are affected by the meaning they connect to the happenings.
The meaning, interpretation, and definition of what happens to people are what cause their pain and despair.
When you learn how to rightly interpret situations that happen in your life, you can laugh through storms.
4. You need encouragement/motivation to start anything, but it will take discipline and endurance to be consistent in life.
You are not disciplined if you do not have:
a. The staying power i.e. the ability to endure (Hebrews 6:15)
b. The power of restraint (the ability to say NO to many good things in life)
5. Do not be hasty with words or commitment. Think, pray, and seek counsel before making destiny-defining decisions.
Humans are largely interest-motivated and self-centred. In the presence of interest, everyone is a saint; you know people in truth when there is an awareness that their expectations are disappointed.
Avoid making hasty decisions to your detriment or peril.
6. Critics and naysayers do two important things needed to actualize destiny:
(i) Critics and naysayers confirm that you are making notable progress.
(ii). Critics and naysayers can also be used by God as a system of caution to save you from decline and destruction.
Criticism is an opinion harshly expressed. You will need the ministry of supporters, critics and naysayers to succeed in life.
7. There are three groups of people you will always find around your life, it will take wisdom and discretion to deal with them, otherwise you will never arrive at your place of destiny:
(i). Wicked people (Proverbs 6:18, Proverbs 4:14-17)
It is not within your power to drive wicked people from your life, they may be in places of authority, and you need wisdom to deal with them.
(ii). Selfish people.
They are not necessarily evil people, they are just indifferent about you, provided their desires are granted.
(iii). Ignorant/Naive people.
They show a lack of wisdom, maturity, and judgment. They’re usually easy to manipulate.
The above three sets of people can be used as a tool to cause disaster in your life.
8. Define the most important things in your life. Not everything in life holds equal value.
You will never rise to the position of an Overcomer if you do not learn that in life, everything is not worth dying for.
The most important things in your life are defined by things you can die for, not what you’re living for. Anything you cannot die for is not that important.
9. Learn from Scars and learn from Crowns.
There is something only failure or success can teach, and there is something only victorious people can teach.
It is important to learn from those who have failed and refused to give up, and from people who have patiently succeeded.
Do not just respect successful people alone, respect those who have failed but refused to give up. They may have failed but they can teach you how not to fail.
Both children and the elderly can teach certain lessons. While the elderly may not have time to correct their wrongs, children have an advantage of time, the Saul of today can become Paul tomorrow.
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Download Apostle Joshua Selman Messages 2023
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