Download The Mountain Of The Lord’s House By Apostle Joshua Selman
The Mountain Of The Lord’s House By Apostle Joshua Selman is Koinonia Global sermon on 17th September 2023. The highlights of the sermons the mountain of the Lord’s House by Apostle Joshua Selman are stated below.
Five Representations of The One True God that The Church Must Present to the World:
1. The God who forgives.
(Psalm 103:1-3, Daniel 9:9, Ephesians 1:7, Jeremiah 31:3, John 3:16).
They need a representation of a God who loves and forgives them, not to condone sin but as an expression of His love for them. A forgiving God is a God worth coming to, because forgiveness is a scarce commodity in today’s world.
2. The God who heals.
(Jeremiah 17:14, Matthew 9:35).
The healing anointing and ministry is one of the most compelling systems to attract the world to the church. When we can present a solution to the world that defies medical science alongside genuine proofs and miracles, that Jesus truly heals, a day will come when nations will passionately desire to have an encounter with Him.
3. The God who redeems and delivers. (Psalm 50:15, 60:5, 34:4, 35:4, 107:20, Luke 4:18).
Deliverance is a process that brings separation between you and any unclean spirit or from an unfavorable situation. Deliverance is not only from spirits but, a man can also be delivered from things.
4. The God Who honours and lifts.
(1 Chronicles 29:12, Colossians 1:12, Psalm 71:21).
Our God is not only forgiving, healing, and redeeming, He also truly lifts. As you commit to lifting God in your life, He remains committed to lifting you and revealing His glory through your life.
5. The God Who is interested in the prosperity and the overall well-being of His people.
(Psalm 35:27, 1 Chronicles 29:11-12, Psalm 23:1, 34:10, 103:1-5).
Serving God and begging for bread is a misrepresentation of Who He is. We do not serve God because of things, but as a result of our service unto Him, we receive the benefits of service.
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