The seeing eyes by Apostle Joshua Selman (accessing the gift of sight) was Koinonia Global message on 22/10/2023. The gift of sight identifies where a problem is; one can see the oncoming of tragedies and either stop or correct them.
The Capacity to Have Insights from Scripture (Ephesians 1:17-18, Isaiah 29:11-12, Job 32:8) is one of the prophetic Channels that God Uses to Communicate His Intents When the Gift of Sight is Activated.
When you possess the seeing eye (the gift of sight), scriptural mysteries are unravelled and you will begin to have unusual insights that can build your life and family.
You will be able to draw solutions from Scriptures, applicable to life’s issues or challenges.
How to Activate the Gift of Sight:
1. Praying in The Spirit
The gift of the seeing eye is activated by committing yourself to the ministry of prayer. You cannot fake a genuine prayer life. If you want to see beyond the earthly realm, you must invest time praying.
Your prayer altar is connected to your spiritual sight. There is a stability your prayer life gives every other thing you do.
2. Meditation
Meditating upon The Word of God and Scripture-based resources (sermons, books, teachings, etc) can activate your sight and spiritual faculties.
To meditate means to think and ponder, using the tool of imagination and creativity.
To mediatate means to think and ponder, using the tool of imagination.
To activate the gift of sight, you must engage in rich moments where you meditate on The Word of God and upon Scripture-based resources, such as sermons and books that are word – compliant.
3. Impartation (Ephesians 3:9)
There is a grace that can make Believers see in the spirit, but it depends on the grace that rests upon them.
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