Download The Anointing To Finish Part 2 By Apostle Johnson Suleman

The Anointing To Finish Part 2 By Apostle Johnson Suleman

Download The Anointing To Finish part 2 by Apostle Johnson Suleman

The Anointing To Finish Part 2 By Apostle Johnson Suleman

The Anointing to finish part 2 by Apostle Johnson Suleman was a continuation of the first sermon series.  The highlights of the sermon on Anointing to finish part 2 by Apostle Johnson Suleman are stated below.

TEXT: Zachariah 4:7-9
TOPIC: Power to Finish (pt2).

Some families that are stranded today because of the error of one person!

One of the biggest undoing in our work with God is the unconsciousness of our personal responsibility.

Many are fasting and praying but they are lazy. The prayer of your mouth must be in line with the work of your hand for success to be on your table.

Many of us, the battles we’re facing now is because our fathers did not conquer them. The enemies you spare today are waiting for your children.

Your refusal to fight today is a battle transferred to your seed! Leave inheritance for your children not battles!

Grace is divine charm and positive allure, the aura of productivity.

There is a level to which labor can take you until grace takes over! In all you pursue, pursue grace!

This is the prayer point after sermon:

My father x2, In the name of Jesus, As I begin to pray, Disconnect me form evil foundational alters connecting me to family patterns.


Download The Anointing To Finish part 1 By Apostle Johnson Suleman

Download The Anointing To Finish Part 2 By Apostle Johnson Suleman


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