Learn Different Types Of Therapy And Psychotherapy

Kinds Of Therapy: Different Types Of Therapy and Psychotherapy

Types of therapy exist in different forms and kinds depending on the speciality of psychotherapy or psychology you desire to feature. You might have researched the demands on therapists and psychotherapists, and desiring to be amongst the groups of professional psychotherapists and therapist is a good idea. You need to understand that psychotherapy theories are the roadmap for psychologists in comprehending clients’ issues. The list below are the different kinds of therapy, different types of psychotherapy and types of therapy:
1. Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapy
2. Behaviour therapy
3. Cognitive therapy
4. Humanistic therapy
5. Integrative or holistic therapy

Types Of Therapy

Types of Therapy

How do these groups of therapy work? A detailed explanation of the different kinds and types of therapy and psychotherapy is explained below. Continue reading to the end to learn more about therapeutic types, examples and functions.


Psychodynamic therapy is a mental health treatment or reformation that focuses on identifying the unconscious beliefs in people that can change their behaviour and mood negatively. Psychoanalysis is associated with the works of Sigmund Freud. These unconscious beliefs could be thoughts, dreams or fantasies and childhood experiences which can cause distress. In psychodynamic therapy sessions, people are meant to gain a better understanding of the world they see not the world they imagined.
Psychodynamic therapists explore connections between the unconscious mind and actions which include emotions and thought patterns. Psychodynamic therapy mental health treatment can last for more than five years. Psychodynamic therapy mental health treatment includes: depression, psychopathological issues, anorexia nervosa, emotional disorder, anxiety and others.

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The behavioural theory established that certain behaviours or attitudes developed from past experiences can pose influences. These attitudes tend to inform our minds and make people see life from the colour of their mindset. Behavioural therapy is contrary to psychodynamic therapy. It focuses on the present thought pattern and behavioural actions of an individual that causes distress. Behavioural therapy is the best way of dealing with phobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The types of behavioural therapy are Systematic desensitization, Aversion therapy and Flooding.

Aversion therapy helps you understand the consequences of the behaviour you want to change. The consequences of the decision made about behaviour are not determined by you. Systematic desensitization is a form of behavioural therapy that exposes a person to his or her fears or activities that cause phobia so that over time, he or she can become familiar with them.

Flooding is similar to systematic desensitization, here, you face your fears directly then systematic desensitization sets in. for instance, if you have a phobia of high current rives, you can start by looking at pictures and videos of high current rivers. If you have a phobia of sloping down hills, you can start by watching videos and trekking down hills or running down the hill, up till when you are used to riding down hills with rides.



Cognitive behavioural therapy is a type of therapy for mental health treatment. The principles of behaviour prove that feelings and thoughts inform our minds and influence our actions. Human thoughts over time, form imagination and this image make human view life from the colour or perspective of their mindset due to exposure.
Therefore, the wrong mindset will influence negatively, a CBT therapist engages to determine the thought pattern and mindset; then administer help. They make people debunk the wrong mindset that influences negatively and impact new and balanced thoughts. Cognitive behavioural therapy is divided into Dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT) and rational emotive therapy.


Most times, people act in such a manner that their idea is superior to others. Some people make choices that affect them with the view that they are the best to experience life and therefore, believe their mindset is the best in decision making. Humanistic therapy is of three types which include: client-centred therapy, existential therapy and gestalt therapy.
People have the right to make choices, but they do not determine the consequences of their choices. Humanistic therapy helps people see the thoughts that affect them negatively. A therapist tries to influence their thoughts or mindset that influences them so that they can maximize their potential.


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