Download Psalm 3, A Charge Unto Fruitfulness by Apostle Joshua Selman mp3
Psalms 3- a charge unto fruitfulness by Apostle Joshua Selman was Day 4 Morning Session at THE AMAZING GOD AGAPE INT’L ANNUAL CONVENTION 2023 – 35TH CELEBRATION, AKURE NIGERIA. It was a charge on bearing fruits as a Church and Believer.
Bearing fruits is the main reason for our call by Christ to the kingdom. Jesus said He chose us so that we may bear fruit that will last. And we will learn much fruit when we abide in Him.
That is why He prunes us so that we can bring up much fruit. Psalm 3- A Charge Unto Fruitfulness by Apostle Joshua Selman is a message that teaches the processes a Believer can undergo to be relevant to God’s agenda.
When Believers do not bear fruits, they are cut off because they are unprofitable to God. Therefore, this message teaches a lot, do listen and be blessed.
Click on the link below to download the audio message on Psalm 3, A Charge Unto Fruitfulness by Apostle Joshua Selman at THE AMAZING GOD AGAPE INT’L ANNUAL CONVENTION 2023 – 35TH CELEBRATION, AKURE NIGERIA.
DAY 4 mp3: This is The Lord’s Doing By Apostle Joshua Selman download
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A Charge Unto Fruitfulness mp3 by Apostle Joshua Selman
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