Download Messages On Koinonia UK Conference With Apostle Joshua Selman 2023

Messages On Koinonia UK Conference With Apostle Joshua Selman 2023

Koinonia UK 2023 Apostolic Conference With Apostle Joshua Selman – Koinonia UK Conference With Apostle Joshua Selman Sound Of Revival By Apostle Joshua Selman Download


Messages On Koinonia UK Conference With Apostle Joshua Selman 2023

Koinonia UK Conference With Apostle Joshua Selman and Nathanial Bassey was the theme- The Sound of Revival. You can download all audio messages from Koinonia UK Conference With Apostle Joshua Selman or click on the link to download the Sound of Revival by Apostle Joshua Selman during the UK Apostolic Conference 2023.

Five Points that Represent the Goal for The UK Apostolic Conference:

1. To birth encounters that lead to genuine repentance and salvation.

2. To equip believers with the revelation required for a Kingdom-driven, victorious, and effective Christian life.

3. To help God’s people and the entire territory to experience the liberating power of The Holy Spirit through miracles, signs, and wonders.

4. To strengthen the hands of the spirit voices within the territory to effectively continue the work of the ministry and the advancement of the Kingdom.

5. To access the graces and the empowerment required to fulfill God’s end-time agenda. The agenda being:

a. The global harvest – world evangelization
b. The maturity or perfection of the saints
c. Territorial transformation.

Threefold – dimension of God’s end-time agenda:

1. Global harvest – world evangelization

2. Maturity/perfection of the saints. (Ephesians 4:18)

3. Territorial transformation
(Matthew 5:13-16)

What is Revival?

Revival is a reawakening to true spirituality, righteousness, and a state of submission to the governing authority of The Lord, Jesus Christ.

Three Levels of Genuine Revival:

1. Personal revival: This is the reawakening and restoration of spiritual fire and God-consciousness in the life of an individual.

2. Revival within the body of Christ (The Church). Ephesians 5:14, Ezekiel 37:10

3. Territorial Revival / Societal Transformation. Jonah 3:1-10
Every time God desires to manifest in a territory, He does so through His prophet, to call people to order, genuine brokenness, and repentance.

Vital Signs of Spiritual Retrogression

1. Significant deviation in your love for God and passion for the things of God.

2. Self-centred living is against Christ-centered living.

3. Consistent compromise of your values and godly standards

4. A decline in spiritual conviction; a budding disbelief in God and nonchalance towards the things of God.

Vital Signs that Indicate Spiritual Retrogression

5. A decline in your passion for the house of God.

You can download all audio messages from the Koinonia UK conference with Apostle Joshua Selman 2023 or click on the link to download the Sound of Revival by Apostle Joshua Selman during the UK Apostolic Conference 2023.


UK Koinonia Conference Day 1

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Download The sound of revival – A call to repentance by Apostle Joshua Selman


Download Redefining The Church By Apostle Joshua Selman (UK Conference Day 2 Morning Session


Last session: Preserving Territorial revival (Miracle service)


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