Download SIGNS AND WONDERS At The Beautiful Gate By Apostle Suleman (Ebenezer 2024)

SIGNS AND WONDERS At The Beautiful Gate By Apostle Suleman

Ebenezer 2024: SIGNS AND WONDERS At The Beautiful Gate By Apostle Suleman mp3 Download

SIGNS AND WONDERS At The Beautiful Gate By Apostle Suleman

Signs and wonders at the gate beautiful by Apostle Johnson Suleman was a sermon session during the Ebenezer 2024 conference.  Signs and wonders are great manifestations of God’s power to alleviate the challenges of men. Signs and wonders at the beautiful gate was the healing of the man who has been there for our years. what man could not get from man was what Christ offered to him freely.

In his compelling teaching titled “Signs and Wonders at the Beautiful Gate,” Apostle Johnson Suleman examines the miraculous events that took place at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, as recorded in Acts 3. This passage highlights the power of God to perform signs and wonders through His servants, emphasizing the importance of faith and obedience in experiencing divine interventions. Apostle Suleman unpacks key lessons from this scripture that can inspire believers today.

1. Understanding the Context

Apostle Suleman begins by providing context to the story of Peter and John healing the lame man at the Beautiful Gate. This gate, known for its grandeur, symbolized hope and opportunity for many. However, the lame man, unable to walk, was often positioned there, begging for alms. The narrative illustrates the contrast between physical limitations and the power of God to bring about change. Apostle Suleman highlights that God often operates in situations that seem hopeless, demonstrating His ability to transform lives.

2. The Role of Faith

A central theme in this account is the role of faith. When Peter and John approached the lame man, he expected to receive money. Instead, Peter directed him to look at them, declaring, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk” (Acts 3:6). Apostle Johnson Suleman emphasizes that true faith is not merely about what we can see or expect but about trusting in the power of Jesus’ name. This moment illustrates that faith can unlock the supernatural, leading to miraculous outcomes.

3. The Power of the Name of Jesus

Apostle Johnson Suleman underscores the significance of invoking the name of Jesus in prayer and ministry. The authority that comes through Jesus’ name is pivotal in performing signs and wonders. Believers are reminded that it is not by their own strength or ability but by the power of the Holy Spirit that miracles occur. In Mark 16:17-18, Jesus promises that signs will follow those who believe, confirming that His name is a powerful tool for divine intervention.

4. Obedience and Action

Another key lesson from this teaching is the importance of obedience. After Peter’s declaration, he took the lame man by the right hand and lifted him up. This act of obedience was crucial; it demonstrated faith in action. Apostle Suleman encourages believers to respond to God’s prompts and take steps of faith, even when circumstances seem daunting. Obedience often leads to breakthrough and manifests the signs and wonders that God desires to perform in our lives.

5. Transformation and Testimony

The healing of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate resulted in a profound transformation. The man, who had been crippled from birth, leaped up, walked, and entered the temple, praising God (Acts 3:8). Apostle Johnson Suleman emphasizes that signs and wonders not only change individual lives but also serve as powerful testimonies to others. When believers experience God’s miraculous intervention, it encourages others to seek Him, drawing them closer to His saving grace.

6. The Response of the Community

Finally, Apostle Suleman highlights the reaction of the onlookers. They were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened. This illustrates how signs and wonders can impact the community, leading to a collective acknowledgment of God’s power. Believers are called to be vessels of God’s glory, demonstrating His love and power through their lives, which can lead to revival and transformation in their communities.

God is the one behind science and wonders and he benevolent to use man to perform signs and wonders. Click on the link below to download the audio message on signs and wonders at the beautiful gate by Apostle Johnson Suleman.




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