Download THE SCIENCE OF SIGNS AND WONDERS By Apostle Johnson Suleman (Ebenezer 2024)


Download THE SCIENCE OF SIGNS AND WONDERS By Apostle Johnson  (Ebenezer 2024)


The science of signs and wonders by Apostle Johnson Suleman was the Day two message during the Ebenezer conference 2024. The there a science or divine explanation behind the act of signs and wonders.  Apostle Johnson Suleman explained the science behind signs and wonders as a divine intervention on man’s cases which can not be understood by any except the Lord reveal it by His Spirit. Signs and wonders are performed from the realm of God which no man or demon can imitate.  It is revealing and undoubtedly.  Apostle Johnson Suleman on the occasion Ebenezer 2024 explained critical things behind signs and wonders.

In this sermon, “The Science of Signs and Wonders,” Apostle Johnson Suleman delves into the spiritual principles that govern the manifestation of supernatural events. Signs and wonders are divine acts that go beyond human understanding, often serving as proof of God’s presence, power, and authority. In this sermon, Apostle Suleman teaches believers how to position themselves to experience signs and wonders by understanding the spiritual dynamics behind them.

1. Understanding the Purpose of Signs and Wonders

Apostle Suleman begins by explaining that signs and wonders are not random occurrences but intentional acts of God meant to demonstrate His glory and affirm His Word. He references Mark 16:17-18, where Jesus promises that signs will follow those who believe. The purpose of signs and wonders is to confirm the gospel, build faith, and bring glory to God. Apostle Suleman encourages believers to understand that they have access to the supernatural realm as part of their inheritance in Christ.

2. The Science of Faith

At the core of Apostle Suleman’s teaching on signs and wonders is the principle of faith. He emphasizes that faith is the primary ingredient needed to experience the miraculous. Hebrews 11:6 makes it clear that without faith, it is impossible to please God, and faith is what activates God’s power in a believer’s life. Apostle Suleman describes faith as the “science” or underlying mechanism that makes the supernatural possible. When believers walk in faith, they create an environment for signs and wonders to manifest.

3. The Role of Obedience and Expectation

Apostle Suleman also highlights the importance of obedience and expectation. In the Bible, many signs and wonders followed acts of obedience. For instance, when Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11), it was because the servants obeyed His instruction to fill the jars with water. Apostle Suleman teaches that obedience to divine instructions is crucial in unlocking miracles. Additionally, believers must have an expectation that God will show up supernaturally. Expectation is the breeding ground for miracles, as it sets the stage for God to perform the extraordinary.

4. The Power of the Word

Another key element in experiencing signs and wonders is the power of God’s Word. Apostle Suleman stresses that the Word of God carries creative power, and when spoken in faith, it produces supernatural results. He encourages believers to declare the Word over their situations, as it has the ability to bring about healing, deliverance, and breakthrough. The spoken Word, combined with faith, creates a spiritual atmosphere conducive to the miraculous.

5. Cultivating a Lifestyle of Prayer and Fasting

Apostle Suleman concludes by emphasizing the role of prayer and fasting in the science of signs and wonders. He explains that prayer connects believers to God’s power, while fasting intensifies spiritual sensitivity. Through these spiritual disciplines, believers can tap into the supernatural realm and experience signs and wonders more frequently in their lives.

Do you want to know the science of signs and wonders,  click on the link to the download the audio message on the science of signs and wonders by Apostle Johnson Suleman.



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