Koinonia Message: Who’s On The Lord’s Side By Apostle Joshua Selma mp3 Download
Who’s on the Lord’s side by Apostle Joshua Salman was a sermon preached on 14th May, 2023. The highlights of the sermon who’s on the Lord’s side by Apostle Joshua Salman are below.
“Who is on The Lord’s side?” is a question that distinguishes those who are committed to safeguarding the divine protection and preservation of Elohim.
In these times, it is crucial for us to acknowledge that the human heart is desperately wicked.
It would be naive to assume that everyone holds genuine affection for you.
As you make the decision to be a blessing, it is essential to recognize that Satan is observing and closely monitoring your progress. He will exert all possible efforts to hinder you.
It is risky to live your life without God’s protection and preservation.
The Implications (Merits) of being on The Lord’s side:
1. The Lord’s side is the side of protection and preservation
(Psalms 63:8, John 17:12, 2Timothy1:12).
2. The Lord’s side is the side of power.(Jeremiah 32:17)
In this world, you need power: power to subdue, power to resist.
3. The Lord’s side is the side of victory.
(Psalm 118:15, 1 Corinthians 15:57)
4. The Lord’s side is the side of joy and pleasure.
(Psalm 16:11)
If you are not in God’s presence and on His right side, joy will inevitably be absent in your life.
The Implications of Being on The Lord’s Side:
5. The Lord’s side is the side of rest roundabout.
(Matthew 11:28, Genesis 24:1)
Mathew 7:7-8 (KJV).
7. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8. for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Who is on The Lord’s side?
1. One who has received the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus and Him alone.
(John 1:11-12, Romans 5:1-2)
You cannot be on The Lord’s side if you have rejected Jesus. Accepting Jesus is beyond mere fanaticism or responding to an altar call.
It is a call to establish a genuine and functional relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ.
Click on the link below to download the audio message on who’s on the Lord’s side by Apostle Joshua Selman.
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