[Audio Mp3] Download Spiritual Senses By Apostle Arome Osayi
Spiritual Senses by Apostle Arome Osayi was a teaching that expands on the relevance and use of the spiritual senses. Spiritual sensitivity is of the essence because most of the signals that come from the spirit realm come as signals.
It takes one who has mastered the act of discerning the meaning of things to know the meaning of the signals. The Bible speaks on maturity commandments that mature people are those by the reason of use who have come to exercise their spiritual senses to work.
You can not grow your spiritual sense if you are not exercising some spiritual activities. Prayer and study of the word of God are the basic items to shape your spiritual senses. Several people keep losing some spiritual information because they lacked spiritual sensitivity.
Being sensitive in the spirit is a function of operational spiritual senses. In this audio message spiritual senses by Apostle Arome Osayi, the believers we’re taught how to use their spiritual senses.
When your spiritual senses are right, you can discern the movement of God and His will. Do you want to know more about spiritual senses? Click on the link below to download the audio message on spiritual senses by Apostle Arome Osayi.
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