Download Rise Up And Walk By Apostle Joshua Selman

Rise Up And Walk By Apostle Joshua Selman

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Rise Up And Walk By Apostle Joshua Selman

Rise Up And Walk By Apostle Joshua Selman was Koinonia Global message at Abuja on 19th May,  2024. The highlights of the sermon on rise and work are listed below.

Points to Note from The Miracle of The Lame Man at the Beautiful Gate
(Acts 3:1-8)

1. The timing of the miracle – The time of the miracle happened at the hour of prayer and at the hour of faith.
(Acts 3:1, Philippians 4:6, Luke 9:29)

2. The degrading power of afflictions and calamities.
(Acts 3:2, Isaiah 62:2)

3. There are times people are plagued with calamities that are not as a result of their own carelessness or mistakes. Some people are simply victims of what they had no control over.
(Acts 3:2, John 9:1-3)

4. There are consequence to prolonged situations and conditions. A prolonged affliction has a way of making you doubt God’s faithfulness.
(Psalm 90:14)

5. Four miracles happened in the story, three were silent, but one was obvious. But the obvious miracle happened because of the three that happened.
(Acts 3:2)

6. There are two abilities in the lame man that he discovered and used: His ability to see (to correct His perception) and his ability to ask. (Matthew 7:7-8)

7. His remaining in that condition was no longer an issue of his foundation or upbringing, but a product of his in-moment mentality. (Jeremiah 33:3, James 4:3)

8. Seeing the right people was a God – factor in the story of the lame man. The mentality to rise up and walk, is what attracts the ability to rise up and walk. (Acts 3:3-6)

Summary of The Entire Discourse: Rise up and Walk (Acts 3:1-18)

1. ‘Rise up and Walk’ is a prophetic call to partner with God and to step into seasons, opening up new chapters concerning your life and destiny. It is also a call to step into new horizons of kingdom exploits.

2. The mentality to rise up and walk is your responsibility, while the ability to rise up and walk is God’s own part.

3. Every manifestation of the hand of God upon your life should draw you closer to God, and not away from God.

4. For every manifestation of the hand of God upon your life and destiny, realise that you owe it to give Him thanks, praise and glory.

5. Peter in the midst of the applause saw an opportunity to reveal and glorify Jesus and he did not waste it.

It takes a lot of humility and deep reverence for God to point others to Jesus in the midst of notable results.


Understanding The Four Kinds of Destiny Helpers:

1. Divine Connectors – They do not have the power to solve your problem, but they know people who can provide solutions to your problems.

2. Men of influence – They are great men who have credibility and track record; their endorsement of you can veto limitations and grant you access to open doors.

3. Gifted People – They will close leakages and protect you from wastages. One gifted man can have the strength of 50 people.

4. Burden Bearers – They may not have the ability to move you forward, their assignment is to stop you from going backward. These are people who love you sincerely and regardless of anything; not because of your status, crown, or title.

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