Download The Mystery Of Marriage By Apostle Michael Orokpo

The Mystery Of Marriage By Apostle Michael Orokpo

[Audio mp3 Teaching] The Mystery Of Marriage By Apostle Michael Orokpo Message Download

The Mystery Of Marriage By Apostle Michael Orokpo

The mystery of marriage by Apostle Michael Orokpo is marriage seminar on how the husband and wife should live to fulfill their destiny in God  and build a godly home.

The audio message addressed the question of submission in marriage. The mystery of Marriage was likened to the relationship of God and the Church.

Christ is the head of the Church,  as the husband is the head of the wife.  Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. This is how the husband should love the wife.

The church is submitted to Christ who supplies all to her. This is how the wife should submit to the husband.  The husband is the head or the led man of the house while the Wife Plays a supportive role in accomplishing the vision of God in the family.

You will learn more from the audio message. Click on the link to the download the audio message on the mystery of Marriage by Apostle Michael Orokpo.




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