The Roots of Captivity Or Bondage By Dr Paul Enenche (1&2) mp3 Download
The roots of captivity or bondage by Dr Paul Enenche (1&2) were continuation of the message series on deliverance and healing. There are different things that can make people be in bondage which in this audio sermon by Dr Paul Enenche on the roots of captivity or bondage were highlighted and explained vividly. Most people are into captivity out of ignorance, some because of the spirit of fear, some also by covenant or legal means or involvement in the spirit and some by ancestral inheritance.
In this compelling sermon, titled “The Roots of Captivity or Bondage by Dr. Paul Enenche” he explains the spiritual causes of bondage that often hold individuals back from living in the freedom and abundance that God intends. He emphasizes that while physical captivity can be evident, spiritual bondage often goes unnoticed, trapping individuals in cycles of limitation, frustration, and unfulfilled potential.
1. Ignorance of God’s Word
Dr. Enenche begins by explaining that ignorance is one of the primary roots of spiritual captivity. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” He teaches that when believers do not know or understand the truth of God’s Word, they become vulnerable to spiritual attacks and deception. Ignorance blinds individuals to the authority they have in Christ, keeping them bound by fear, sin, or generational curses.
2. Sin and Disobedience
Another significant root of captivity, as taught by Dr. Paul Enenche , is sin and disobedience. He references Romans 6:16, which says, “Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?” Sin opens the door to demonic oppression and spiritual bondage.
3. Generational Curses and Patterns
Dr. Paul Enenche also addresses generational curses and negative family patterns as roots of captivity. He teaches that certain bondages can be inherited from previous generations due to the sins of forefathers. Exodus 20:5 states, “For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.”
4. Unforgiveness and Bitterness
Unforgiveness and bitterness are also key roots of spiritual captivity. Dr. Paul Enenche references Matthew 18:34-35, where Jesus warns that those who refuse to forgive others will be handed over to “tormentors.” Unforgiveness can become a spiritual stronghold that prevents individuals from experiencing God’s peace and freedom.
5. Fear and Doubt
Fear and doubt are powerful roots that can hold individuals in spiritual bondage. Dr. Enenche explains that fear paralyzes believers, keeping them from stepping into the fullness of their calling. 2 Timothy 1:7 declares, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Fear often comes from a lack of trust in God’s promises, and it opens the door for the enemy to operate through intimidation.
6. Demonic Oppression
Demonic oppression is another root of captivity that Dr. Enenche addresses. He teaches that certain spiritual strongholds are caused by direct demonic influence, which manifests in physical, emotional, and mental afflictions. Ephesians 6:12 reminds believers that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Finally, Dr. Enenche emphasizes that a lack of prayer is a significant root of captivity. Prayerlessness disconnects believers from the power of God and leaves them vulnerable to spiritual attacks. Luke 18:1 encourages believers to “always pray and not give up.” Prayer is a weapon that dismantles strongholds and brings divine intervention into difficult situations.
There are a lot of things you will learn from this message as Pastor Paul Enenche explained. Click on the link to the download the audio message on the roots of captivity or bondage by Dr Paul Enenche.
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